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What did 2016 teach me?

You have received a new blank book called 2017. Now use these next 365 days to fill it up with beautiful chapters. Be positive, grow & survive. With 2016 out of the way, we can focus on what is next in our lives. If you have experienced struggle in 2016, use 2017 as the redemption year. What does it mean by having redemption? Redemption means the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. In a spiritual way, the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. You are atoning for your past mistakes, faults and downfalls. Your goal is to use what you have been through as a stepping stone and move on with your life.

What did 2016 teach me?

It was an eventful year. I was able to explore and grow as a person. None of this would have happened if I did not have access to social media. Social media is a tool used to connect, market and network with the world. There are pros and cons to using the internet. People use social network for entertainment, information, communicating and connection. However, sometimes people use social network in a negative way. For example, how do you allow social media to be the reason for a break up? How does social media ruin reputations, promote cyber bullying and tear family and business relationships apart? I have a Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter & Instagram. Each have been used in a productive and positive way.

Facebook gave me the ability to continue speaking to people all over the world. I run a website called Team Awesome. A page created April 18, 2011. The purpose of the site was to be able to talk to wrestling fans. The page has been very successful for the past five years. I thank everyone who has supported the site since the beginning. Facebook has also helped boost my confidence. When Facebook LIVE came out, I watched several people over the internet share moments of their lives in REAL-TIME on camera. I thought about doing that with the fan page. I enjoy taking pictures, but never been a fan of video recording myself. Which is why I DO NOT have a YouTube channel. However, breaking out of my comfort zone helped me create a web series called Team Awesome Q&A: LIVE. From April to December, thousands of people have taken the time to watch my vBlogs. It was a great experience and I was able to answer questions, share a few laughs and give people the REAL ME. Instead of a person without a face.

I love posting photos of moments of my life. Very important moments to be exact. Being that I'm a private person, who has been known for just posting quotes, thoughts, words, messages, etc. I wanted everyone to see what I have been doing at work or on the road. I started a gimmick back in 2013 called the "Celebrity Meet". I would follow updates online on celebrities who visited New York. I took advantage of those opportunities and met people I did not think would be possible. Mostly wrestler personnel's in the WWE, but then eventually people from TV shows such as Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World or Goosebumps.

In 2016, I had the privileged to meet R.L. Stine from Goosebumps, reunite and interview Dan McNulty from Boy Meets World/Girl Meets World on Cyber-bullying and several professional wrestlers including reunions from Becky Lynch, Enzo & Cass. My favorite people was meeting The Miz and Maryse. Team Awesome was originally build off of those two people. I will never forget the day we were able to exchange conversations and take a photo together. That will stay with me forever. Ciara Renee from Legends of Tomorrow taught me to 'never say never'. We had a brief conversation on Twitter about "What are the chances of actually meeting her in person?" Then, BOOM! It happened, not once... but twice! I went to my first musical this year and supported her singing/acting career. Fun experience. I also was able to meet Katie Cassidy from the hit TV show Arrow!

I was able to LOSE FRIENDS & GAIN NEW FRIENDS. Sometimes you have to get rid of certain people in order to make room for those who are meant to have a purpose in your life. By removing fake friends from your life, you're able to see things clearer and make better decisions with how you interact with others. Over the summer, it was nice meeting fans of Team Awesome too.

Friendship was a very important theme of 2016. I have a close friend in Brooklyn, who gave me some of the best moments of my life and I'm grateful for that person. We have been on tons of adventures over the years, but 2016 was the year where we did a lot more. The IDNYC card allowed us to take trips to certain places, create new memories, relive old memories and allow us to grow together. I know a lot of people, but only can say I have a select few I can actually call my friend. Never throw that word too loosely out there! This person was able to push me to be able to do better things for myself. Despite the rocky road we had over time, we maintain a healthy relationship and will never allow others to tear us apart.

2016 taught me to REMOVE fear from my vocabulary and OPEN up to new things. A close friend of mine inspired me to explore a different route in writing. I attempted poetry back in January and never thought I would write over 50+ poems throughout the year. I used Instagram as a way to gain exposure and developed an audience to follow a different side of me. I'm a writer and a self published author. This experience of writing poetry showed me that my talents were endless and I am grateful for learning how to write poems. It has helped me grow very close with someone and connect with those who can relate to what I write. If you would like to see my work. Visit:

Lastly, 2016 showed me WHO IS THERE FOR YOU & WHO IS AGAINST YOU. The devil is real! He will use a person or people to smile in your face and talk behind your back. I'm glad I was able to see certain people for who they really are. NO ONE HAS TIME FOR B.S. Either you're with someone or you're against someone. TIME is VALUABLE, you could know someone for years and they will be gone in a heartbeat. It can happen over a stupid argument, not being honest or faking it in a relationship. Use your time wisely, never invest too much time in a person or people who show no value, loyalty or respect for you. If you're dealing with a person who takes advantage of what you do or does not appreciate the sacrifices you make, they are not worth your time!

I ended 2016 by going to the Rockettes show in New York City. I took a friend out to see the performance. We had a wonderful time. I appreciate the moments we shared together and listened to great music. The year also concluded with a birthday party. Being able to see them smile and enjoy their company with love ones was very rewarding. Cheers to 2017. May we create more moments...

I want to end this by saying thank you MOM for everything you have put up with this year concerning me. I have made a lot of mistakes over the summer and thank you for being a forgiving and patient parent. Your teachings have helped me be a better son, brother and teacher.

I had a blast working with several kids over the year and created some awesome memories. One of my highlights of 2016 was being able to reunite with some past students and have a successful birthday for my mother.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. May 2017 be rewarding, blessed and REMOVE fear from your vocabulary!

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